Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye + a gift :)

It's the end of 2014, and I bet we are all busy thinking about what we achieved or didn't this year - to then move on to 2015's resolutions. 

Well... there are MAAAAANY things I wished I had accomplished this year, but I didn't. The truth is, I don't want to cry over spilt milk or kill my braincells thinking about the should'ves, could'ves or would'ves. What's done is done, and what isn't well... isn't, right?

I've decided to make peace with the fact this was the way this year had to go: I needed it to heal and reorganize my life and priorities. My Dad's been gone for 14 months now... it is still very hard, and it might never stop being so, but from January 1st 2015 onwards, I'll do my best to take my life back on track ;) 

The first thing I need to do is focus on fewer things. That way, I hope to be able to mentally wander less (a.k.a. procrastinate less) and better manage my time. 

Great blogging needs to be done constantly, it requires a lot of time, and real bloggers not only follow a tight schedule but also create amazing new content. I haven't been doing any of those things for the last 365 days, and I just don't like being mediocre at anything. 

Therefore, as much as I love blogging, I think I need to formally take a break from it. In order for me to be able to really get something done this year, I must hierarchize my activities. Blogging can't be a thing I sporadically do: either I commit to it or I don't. 

And since I don't feel I can commit to it right now, I've decided that I'll put my blog on pause for an entire year, in the hope that by the end of it, I'll find myself more satisfied with what I've done, and with more energy, time and ideas to start blogging again. 

As a goodbye present, I've decided to giveaway a Skillshare Scholarship. What's that? It's a free annual Premium Membership for you to take unlimited classes and learn a bunch of cool things this New Year. Just enter the raffle below, and share the news with your friends and family so they can participate too. It'll close on January 6th. I'll announce the winner that same day (afternoon probably) on my social media (yup! I'm pausing blogging, but I'll keep using all the other juicy social media channels we all sooooo much love and enjoy, hihihi!)

PS. Don't forget to follow my social media channels so we can keep in touch during 2015 :D (and also, to find out if you are the happy winner in 6 days!)

Monday, December 1, 2014

freebies // The 2014 Designer Calendar + Planners :: December

I can't believe it is time for this year's last set of pretty and useful freebies :)
2014 flew by soooo darn fast, don't you think? 

Remember, this year's Designer Calendar will not only include downloadable digital calendars to be used on all of your tech devices, but also printable planners for you to keep your things-to-do organized.

November downloadable calendar designed by Ludmila Adams

December's explosive calendar was designed by the very talented Ludmila Admas who happens to be also an awesome Photoshop and Illustrator teacher. About her design, Ludmila says: "New Year's Explosions inspired by snowflakes and fireworks."

download : widescreen 1 // widescreen 2 // fullscreen 1- iPad landscape // iPad vertical // fullscreen 2
iPhone3 - iPhone4 // iPhone5 // iPhone6 - Samsung Galaxy

I'm so happy I decided to do this month's planner too. It was nice to sit down and just sketch and turn the doodles into this pretty pattern. I really hope you like it and allow it to help you organize the busy holiday season that's starting ;)

To download the planner just click on the links below the image. Remember the planner is a high-res JPG to be printed on A4/Letter paper.

download : Letter / A4

If you want to see more of Ludmila's amazing work, don't forget to visit her blog and check out her fashion design e-courses too ;)

Ludmila :: blog / e-courses

All designs are for personal use only. You may print the planners and use them as many times as you like, but please remember they may not be resold, modified or otherwise distributed. I'll be happy and grateful to you if you spread the word and feel like sharing them with others through your social media or blogs, but don't forget to credit the original designer and include a clickable link back to the original post.